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teisipäev, 14. september 2010

Barack või Terry — kumb on lollim?

Pastor Jonesi juhtum osutab USA võimuladviku tõsisele poliitilisele veale. Võimurite moraalne vastutus ei tohiks ühiskondliku pluralismi tingimusis väljenduda mõne uskkonna materiaalse toetamisena.

Koraani mõnitamise eest USA-s vastutab niikuinii ka Valge Maja. Pühaduse rüvetamine on tänu pahemliberaalseile pingutusile teatavasti üks USA kodanike põhiõigusi. Sestap pole kuigi tark sallivuse ja lepituse välise demonstratsiooniga proovile panna rohujuure tasandi kannatlikkust. Et Valge Maja seda teeb, näitab Barack Hussein Obama huvi ise ohjata ( leevat? ) külma sõda islamiga.

Päevakorras ei ole niisiis Florida ühe vabakoguduse pastori tarkuse või rumaluse küsimus. Pastor Jones reageeris nii, nagu õigeks pidas — lajatades vanatestamentliku õigluse määraga. Tema sõnum — Koraani põletamise päeva väljakuulutamine — oli otseselt suunatud New Yorgi imaami ja viimast toetava linnapea, ent kaudselt ka praeguse presidendi kalgivõitu PR-kampaania vastu.

Vaba Euroopa Raadio teatel vastustab enamik kohalikke elanikke kavatsust püstitada 300m kaugusele endisest World Trade Centerist islamikeskus, ometi salliks suurem osa seda keskust paari kilomeetri kaugusel katastroofipaigast.
Viimased küsitlused näitavad, et 60% njuujorklasi on kavatsuse vastu, hoolimata USA presidendi Barack Obama — kes hiljuti kuulutas, et "USA ei sõdi islamiga", — ja New Yorgi valitud tippametnike [loe: linnapea] poolehoiu võitmisest [uue islamikeskuse rajamise kavale].
Praegune linnapea Michael R Bloomberg on NYC viimase aja meeridest nimelt ainus, kes projekti jäägitult toetab. Seevastu on ta eelkäija Rudolph W Giuliani ühes juunikuul antud raadiointervjuus meenutanud sama imaami moraalset toetust islamiterrorismile. Giuliani lisas augustis NBC-le antud intervjuus, et projekt on lõhestav, ärritav ja viha õhutav ning puudub teave, kust imaam hangib Moslemimaja ehituseks tarviliku rahasumma (100.000.000$).

New Yorgi kurjakuulutava 13... 15-kordse terasest+klaasist islamikeksuse kavandi (Park-51) taga on peidus politikaanlik katse lepitada maailma islamikogukonda USA-ga, lõimides tulevast Moslemimaja geograafiliselt 11. IX 2001 terrorirünnakute tandriga (Ground-0). Leinapaiga püha rahu häiriva projekti traagelniidid said nähtavaks selle algataja imaam Feisal Abdul Raufi üleilmse promotuuriga (vt Ground Zero Imam Starts US-Paid Middle East Tour). See augustikuine reis toimus ajakirjanduse teatel USA maksumaksjate raha eest ja kuna see polnud tal ka sugugi esimene sarnane välisreis, võib Feisal Abdul Raufi pidada valitsuse mõjuagendiks ning ta ringsõitu USA praeguse välispoliitika (näilise rahvadiplomaatia) osaks.

Mida ulatuslikumaks kujunevad selle projekti jõngid järelmid, seda süngem vari langeb mitte Florida pastorile, vaid Washingtonile, kes asunud NYC Moslemimaja kavatust toetama, peab lõpuks oma kodanike elu säästes kiirendama USA üksuste lahkumist Afganistanist. Vahest pole Barack Hussein Obama asja läbi mõelnud? Ehkki lugu võib olla ka sootuks vastupidi. Ei maksa taas Ameerikat avastada, eks ole just USA valitsejaile ammu teada:
Välispoliitiliste sammudega ei tohi kodutanuma rohtu ära tallata!

9 kommentaari:

  1. Rumaluse absoluutskaalal on Obama targem või kavalam – selles pole kahtlustki, kui keegi mu postituse mõttest veel aru ei saanud. Kuid Obamal lasub suurem vastutus ja kohustus tagajärgi ette näha, ka nn rohujuuretasandil. Sellist moslemite moosimist Ground Zero islamikeskuse plaaniga ei tohi ainult välisministeeriumi pärusmaale lükata. Enamus koduameeriklasi on ju vastu!

  2. Anonüümne10/01/2010

    BBC teleuudised kõnelesid 1. oktoobril sarnasest vastasseisust Türgis:

    Sajad natsionalistid väisasid Türgi Karsi provintsis Anis asuvaid XI sajandi katedraali varemeid, et seal moslemite kunagist võitu tähistada. Need ajaloolise kristliku katedraali varemed on Armeenia pühapaigaks.

    Rahvahulka juhtis Rahvuspartei juht Devlet Bahceli, kes paigas palvesõnu lausus. Partei teatel oli neile eeskujuks Türgi valitseja Alp Arslan, kes eemaldas pärast katedraali vallutamist 1064. aastal sellelt risti ja seal Allahi poole palvetas. Kogunemist on peetud vastusammuks eelmisel kuul armeenlaste poolt taasavatud järjekordse ajaloolise armeenia kiriku Vani järve saarel, kuhu armeenlased kogu Türgist kogunesid missale.

    Kirik hävitati armeenlaste massilise tapmise käigus I maailmasõja ajal. Kolme aasta eest restaureeriti kirik Türgi valitsuse rahastamisel.

    Vt http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11454014

  3. Anonüümne10/03/2010

    New Yorgi uue mosujaama Park51 maksumus on $140 miljonit, kuid rajatise plaanitsejaatel on hinge taga 1000x vähem US-dollareid. Nad pole seni annetusi eales nii palju kokku saanud, kust nad nüüd siis raha võtavad? Ehk annab Osama Ibn Ladin?

  4. Anonüümne1/05/2011

    Park cross ruled unconstitutional

    SAN DIEGO. A war memorial cross in a San Diego public park is unconstitutional because it conveys a message of government endorsement of religion, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday in a two decade old case. A three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued the unanimous decision in the dispute over the 29-foot cross, which was dedicated in 1954 in honor of Korean War veterans. The court said modifications could be made to make it constitutional, but it didn't specify what those changes would be.

    SPb Times, January 5, 2011

  5. Anonüümne4/07/2011

    But six months later, Jones, together with the pastor Wayne Sapp, orchestrated a tribunal. Playing judge, the two declared the Koran "guilty" and sentenced it "to death." Sapp played the executioner, dousing the book with kerosene and setting it alight. About 30 followers watched as the Koran burned and turned to ash. Koran burning took place on March 20 in Gainesville, Florida. "We didn't call for violence and murder," Jones said. "We only burned a book."


  6. Külma sõja juhuslikult privatiseerinud Terry Jonesi juhtum on Barack Obama presidentuuri paratamatu järelm või koguni sünnitis. Üks poleks ilmselt võimalik ilma teiseta.

    Barack Obama on puritanistliku valge ameerika jaoks ärritavalt sekularistliku agendaga president. Aga ka ülejäänud maailma jaoks ei esinda Obama-ajastu Ühendriigid enam seda läänekristlikku tsivilisatsiooni lipulaeva, nagu USA oli tema eelkäijate ning eriti Külma sõja ajal.

    Seepärast on Jonesi juhtum — ja selle võimalikud analoogiad, mis vormis need ka ei leia (ka tulevikus) väljendust, — ühes islamiusu pühakirja põletamise või põletamisähvarduse meediaretseptsiooniga Obama võimuaja päris loomulik reaktsioon.


    The ugly truth about Benghazi and Team Obama

    By Michael Goodwin
    New York Post — FoxNews,
    November 19, 2012

    Until Friday, there were two possible explanations for why the White House failed to immediately call the Benghazi attack an act of terrorism. One was incompetence, the other was worse.

    Now there is only one, and it is the worse one. Based on the persuasive testimony of ex-CIA boss David Petraeus, it is clear the Obama administration made a deliberate decision to mislead Congress and the American people.

    The repeated claim that the attack was spontaneous and grew out of a demonstration against an anti-Islam video — a claim made by the president and secretary of State as they stood next to the bodies of four dead Americans — was a monstrous lie. It was vile and done for the basest of reasons.

    Because we now know the truth of what happened — CIA reports were edited to remove the names of al Qaeda groups involved in the attack, Petraeus said under oath — we also know the motive. It was political self-preservation, meaning the president and his team put politics first.

    The timing helps tell the tale. Just days removed from his Charlotte convention, where he danced on the grave of Osama bin Laden and boasted that al Qaeda was decimated, Obama couldn’t bear to admit that affiliated groups were thriving in North Africa. And he certainly couldn’t admit they had carried out a murderous attack on our consulate on the 11th anniversary of the most awful day in American history.

    To do so would be to acknowledge the failure of his decision to ignore hard-line Islamists and that his team had erred egregiously in rejecting pleas for more security from Libya Ambassador Chris Stevens.

    So the president lied, including in a speech to the United Nations, where he cited the video as the reason for the attack. He sent out reams of flunkies to do the same, including his snide press secretary, Jay Carney.

    Most notably, UN Ambassador Susan Rice went on five Sunday television shows to spin the nonsense about the hijacking of a demonstration — a demonstration that never existed. Rice made a fool of herself, and now, she, too is damaged goods.
    Oddly, Petraeus, brought down by the reckless affair with his biographer, nonetheless looks like the only honest man in the drama.

    A briefing he gave soon after the attack is now more suspect because it adhered to the party line, despite his belief that it was always a terrorist attack.

    But Friday in his testimony behind closed doors, Petraeus told the truth as he knew it, even though the administration announced the day before that it was investigating his conduct at the CIA.

    If that was meant to pressure him to protect the president, it failed spectacularly. Whatever his personal failings, Petraeus reinforced his reputation for professional integrity.

    The next move is up to Congress. While Democrats are predictably and shamefully trying to deny the significance of Petraeus’ revelation, Republicans say they are determined to get the full truth, wherever the hunt takes them.

    Especially as the president begins a new term, and huge economic and tax difference must be resolved, the country would be better served if the administration co-operates. But their behavior up to now does not make that seem likely. Having built their web of lies, it would be hard to suddenly come clean.

    The first tests will come with the next round of hearings. Any attempt by the White House to block the appearance of any official who played a role in shaping the false narrative should be seen as proof that the stonewalling continues.

    In that case, the full power of the constitution must be brought to bear. Nobody is above the law, even the president.

  8. Anonüümne4/27/2013

    NEW YORK (AP) -- A rusted 5-foot-tall piece of landing gear believed to be from one of the hijacked planes destroyed in the Sept. 11 attacks has been discovered wedged between a mosque site (…)
    The piece of equipment was discovered Wednesday by surveyors inspecting the lower Manhattan site of a planned Islamic community center, at 51 Park Place, on behalf of the building's owner (…)
    The spot where the landing gear was found is about three blocks from ground zero. When plans for the mosque and community center were first announced several years ago, a furor erupted. Opponents protested that putting a Muslim facility near ground zero showed disrespect. Supporters cited freedom of religion and said it wasn't too close to where Islamic extremists attacked on Sept. 11.
    In a statement, Sharif El-Gamal, the president of Soho Properties, which owns 51 Park Place, said workers called the city and the police as soon as they discovered the landing gear. He said the company is cooperating with the city and the police to make sure the piece of equipment "is removed with care as quickly and effectively as possible." (…)
    Patricia Riley, whose sister Lorraine Riley was killed in the Sept. 11 attacks, said the landing gear discovery was "very strange."

    "Twelve years later we are still finding remnants of the attack on our country," she said. "... For years to come we'll continue to find things that we didn't see before. Hopefully they'll serve as a reminder that we have to stay vigilant."

    Outside the Islamic center building, known as Park51, a police officer stood next to the door on Friday and a police barricade was set up to contain the many journalists who had gathered to try to see the piece of the plane.
    Apr 26, 6:01 PM EDT


  9. Anonüümne9/12/2013

    Pastor Terry Jones Arrested Before Planned Quran Burning

    NPR 9/11/2013: The infamous Florida pastor, Terry Jones, was arrested in Mulberry, Fla, today, right before he planned to burn 2,998 Qurans on the 12th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.

    The Tampa Tribune reports:

    "When he and another pastor were pulled over by Polk County sheriff's deputies near the small town of Mulberry, their pickup bed was full of kerosene-soaked Qurans - and they were towing a large, barbeque-style grill behind the truck.
    "The arrest happened shortly before 5 p.m., when Jones was scheduled to burn the Quarans - one for every victim of the terrorist attacks - at a public park just outside Mulberry."

    The Polk County Ledger reports that county officials had previously denied a permit for the event. The paper reports that in a press conference Sheriff Grady Judd said Jones had been stopped because his trailer did not have a license plate and he has been charged with "unlawful conveyance of fuel and unlawful carry of a firearm."

    Essentially, Judd said, Jones was driving a "bomb" down the road.

    "We couldn't allow that vehicle to continue down that road," Judd is quoted by the paper as saying.

    Of course, this is not the first time Jones has tried to burn a Quran. Back in 2010, Jones received a call from then Defense Secretary Robert Gates asking to stop a planned burning, because doing so would put U.S. soldiers at risk around the world. Jones did go through with a burning in April of 2012 and supervised a burning in 2011.

    The AP adds:

    "Jones is the pastor of a small evangelical Christian church. His congregation burned a Koran in March 2011, and last year he promoted an anti-Muslim film.

    "His actions have sparked violence in the Middle East and Afghanistan. The U.S. Central Command, based at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, earlier this week had urged him not to go through with Wednesday's event."

