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teisipäev, 14. detsember 2010

Vikilekked & terve mõistus

Eestlased jäävad CableGate'i suhtes esialgu kahtlevaks

Terve Mõistuse Sündikaadi veeb küsis detsembri algupoole veebikülastajailt, kas vikilekked muudavad maailma. Vastajail oli valida vaid 4 võimaliku vastuse vahel. Tulemused olid tasavägised:
  • 31,3% vastas — (ei) "kui muudaks, siis poleks neid lastud lekkida"
  • 29,8% vastas — (nojah) "muudab küll, kuna aitab ehk paremini maailma mõista"
  • 22,7% vastas — (võib-olla) "ehk aitavad lekked võimureid pisut taltsutada"
  • 16,2% vastas — (jah) "nüüd ei ole poliitika ega diplomaatia enam kunagi sama"
Umbes pool vastanuist (46%) oli seega meelestatud optimistlikult, lootes kas lekete poliitilisele (16%) või rahvast valgustavale mõjule (30%), samas jäid ülejäänud skeptiliseks (23%) või päris umbusklikuks (31%). Ka TMS-i peatoimetaja samal teemal 5. XII 2010 avaldatud arvamuslugu oli pigem skeptiline, pannes lootuse USA diplomaatiliste läkituste lekkimise puhul selle rahvavalgustuslikule aspektile.
Martin Helme:
… ega seal peale magusa ajakirjandusliku ažiotaaži suurt polegi (…) Vaevalt need lekked maailma muudavad. Vaevalt et isegi diplomaatiat väga muudavad, kui ehk teevad mõneks ajaks ettevaatlikumaks ning sunnivad asutusi oma turvaprotokolle tõhustama. Küll võiks neist leketest peale amüsantse lugemise kasu olla laiemal üldsusel, kes saab endale taas filtri, läbi mille avalikus teaveväljas olevaid sõnumeid tarbida… Vt Wikilekked lõbusad, aga maailma ei muuda — Delfi.EE, 4. XII 2010
Küsitlusele vastas 409 inimest, küsitlusnädalal oli TMS-i portaalil 5225 külastust.

GableGate'i Eestisse puutuvaist lekkeist saab põhjaliku ülevaate Inforpartisani blogis

2 kommentaari:

  1. Washington Post — ABC News poll: Americans say WikiLeaks harmed public interest

    Most of those polled - 68% - say the WikiLeaks' exposure of government documents about the State Department and US diplomacy harms the public interest.

    Nearly as many - 59% - say the US government should arrest Assange and charge him with a crime for releasing the diplomatic cables.

    The public response to the leaks represents a rare moment of shared perspective across partisan lines. Fully three-quarters of Republicans say it harms the public interest, and nearly the same proportion believes he should be arrested by the United States. Among Democrats and independents, slim majorities say the government should pursue criminal charges against Assange.

    A generational gap was evident among those polled, with younger Americans raised in the Internet age expressing distinct views on the matter. Nearly a third of those ages 18 to 29 say the release of the US diplomatic cables serves the public interest, double the proportion of those older than 50 saying so. When it comes to Assange, these younger adults are evenly split: 45% say he should be arrested by the United States; 46% say it is not a criminal matter. By contrast, those age 30 and older say he should be arrested by a whopping 37-point margin.

    The poll was conducted Dec 9 to 12 among a random national sample of 1,001 adults. Results from the full survey have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

    ( http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/12/14/AR2010121401650.html?wprss=rss_nation )

  2. Despite their desire to punish the perpetrators in the WikiLeaks' case, many American voters (42 percent) think the leaks of U.S. State Department cables were “just embarrassing” and did not seriously damage diplomatic relations. About one-third (33 percent) feel the leaks did serious damage -- a view most likely to be held by Republican voters (40 percent).
    Opinion Dynamics Corp. conducted the national telephone poll for Fox News among 900 registered voters from Dec. 14 to Dec. 15. The poll has a 3-point error margin.

    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/12/17/fox-news-poll-americans-support-arrests-wikileaks-document-release/#ixzz18Qk3pmFN
