
BBC pärsia teenistuse telestuudio
Iraan summutab islamirevolutsiooni aastapäevast (11. II 2010) peale taas üht satelliiti, mis kannab üle Saksa Laine (DW), BBC ja VoA pärsiakeelseid telekanaleid, samuti Radio Farda (RFE—RL) ja DW raadiosaateid. Ühtlasi tabasid elektronhäired samal geostatsionaarsel Hot Birdil (HB-6, HB-8) Lähis-Itta edastatavat ingliskeelset kommertskanalit BBC World News.
Mullu püüdis teokraatlik režiim sama teha EL-is ja USA-s koostatud ringlevi-saadete vastu, siis saadeti summutuskiiri taevalaotusse Teherani ja Havanna kandist. Läinud sajandi lõpukümnendeil võitles Teheran sama ägedasti satelliitside levikuga, siis veel aga maapinnal — kampaania käis antennitaldrikute vastu iraanlaste kodude katustel. Praeguseks vaatab hinnanguliselt pool Iraani elanikkonnast sat-TV-d, seda on märkse rohkem kui interneti kasutajaid. Viimaste kuude pingeline tegevus interneti välisühenduse ja kosmoseside vastu kinnitab muuilmale, et Iraani ajatollad ei suvatsegi oma tuumaprogrammi hüljata või rahvusvahelise isolatsiooniga ega sõjaga ähvardamisest hoolida.
Kaks kaalukat "globaalse multipolaarsuse" eestkostjat Venamaa ja Hiina ilmselt jäävad kosmoseside häirimist vaikides ja pöidlad pihus kõrvalt vaatama. Hiinale ei meeldi kah too liiga vaba ja üleilmne teabelevi. Venemaa riigikompanii Gazprom Media mõjutas oma poolt alles jaanuaris 2010 Eutelsati (Hot Birdi operaatorit) loobuma Gruusia uue venekeelse 1K-TV ülekandest (vt saadiku lugejakirja 4. II 2010 Londoni Time'is). Pariisis paiknev Eutelsati erakomapanii on ainus sidesatelliitide eraoperaator, kel on mitu (5) n-ö Venemaa-kiirega transpondrit.
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Islamirevolutsiooni XXXI aastapäeva pidustused |
TÄIENDUS AD 2012: Vähemalt viiel lääneriikide telekanalil on 2009-2011 tulnud taluda islamirežiimi tekitatud tahtlikke elektron-häireid. Kõige sihipärasemalt on summutatud BBC pärsiakeelset TV-d, mis alles 2009. aasta alul startis. Iraan tegi seda esmalt juunis 2009, siis detsembris 2009 taas ning asus aastal 2010 lõpuks regulaarselt summutama BBC telesignaali Eutelsati satelliidil HotBird, mistõttu brittidel tuli vastumeelselt satelliiti vahetada. Seejärel ulatusid saated satelliidi W3A kaudu aga väiksema hulga iraanlaste kodudesse kui varem. Septembrist 2011 on Iraan perioodiliselt summutanud sedagi telesignaali. Samal ajal edastab Iraani riiklik või poolametlik ringlevi oma kanaleid 45 välisriigi territooriumile, kasutades seejuures ameeriklaste andmeil vähemalt 8 rahvusvahelist kosmosesidefirmat. Need on saated mitte ainult pärsia, vaid ka araabia keeles Al Alami, hispaankeelsel Hispan-TV ja inglisekeelsel Press-TV kanalil. Peale Eutelsati tarbib Iraan ka Intelsati, Telesat Holdings Inc-i ja AsiaSati teenuseid. Keegi ei pole seni söandanud rakendada vastumeetmeid ja tõkestada Iraani riigimeedia ülekandeid Läände.
Ajalehe Wall Street Journal teatel…
On märke, et Iraan omandab üha peenemaid summutusseadmeid. Nii on Iraanile midagi müünud Venemaa, kelle föderaalse sõjalis-tehnilise koostöö-teenistuse ametnik on Venemaa riiklikule uudisteagentuurile öelnud, et niisugune tehing ei ole ÜRO sanktsioonide kohaselt keelustatud.
Vt Paul Sonne, Farnaz Fassihi, In Skies Over Iran… WSJ 2. XII 2011
ILLUSTRATSIOONID: WSJ joonis detsembrist 2011 ja aktuaalsed fotod: BBC-lt ja ISNA-lt
9 kommentaari:
Peter Horrocks,Director of BBC World Service,
Erik Bettermann, Director of Deutsche Welle and
Dan Austin, Director of Voice of America
joint statement:
We condemn any jamming of these channels. It contravenes international agreements and is interfering with the free and open flow of international transmissions that are protected by international treaties.
We call upon satellite operators and those who regulate them to take urgent action to put pressure on Iran to stop this activity. The Iranian authorities are using the same satellite services to broadcast freely around the world including broadcasts in English and Arabic; at the same time they are denying their own people programmes coming from the same satellites from the rest of the world.
We will not stop broadcasting accurate and impartial news and current affairs into Iran. We will try every avenue to give our large audiences in Iran the television news services that they want.
The jamming violates article 45 of the Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union that prohibits signal interference and we look to the international regulatory community to take a firmer stance on this deliberate act of jamming.
Formal complaints have been submitted to the International Telecommunication Union, and other channels are being vigorously pursued to stop further jamming.
After Iranian jamming of the VoA and the BBC, the French company Eutelsat duplicated the services, which were on one of its popular HotBird satellites, on a more advanced satellite that is resistant to jamming. But that required Iranians to purchase new equipment, which is illegal and hard to find.
Iran’s Opposition Seeks More Help in Cyberwar With Government by NAZILA FATHI
New York Times, March 18, 2010
Ameerika Hääl teatas 19. III 2010 Euroopa Liidu võimalikest sammudest teabevoolu tõkestava Iraani vastu:
A preliminary version of a statement that will go before EU foreign ministers next week demands that Iran cease its electronic interference immediately. If not, the European allies say they they are prepared to take action against Iran's jamming...
The draft EU statement that reporters obtained in Brussels Friday does not list any potential retaliatory action against Iran's jamming. However, European news reports suggest two possible tactics: a ban on exports to Iran of equipment that enables Tehran to intercept e-mail and mobile telephone transmissions, or a decision to block Iranian broadcasts relayed by the Eutelsat communications satellite, which has been a target of the jamming...
Vt kogu VoAnewsi uudist veebiaadressil: http://www1.voanews.com/english/news/europe/EU-Confronts-Iran-on-Satellite-Jamming-88689367.html
France-based satellite provider Eutelsat, which operates Hot Bird 8, believes the jamming attempts are deliberate. "This is not happening by accident," says Eutelsat spokeswoman Vanessa O'Connor. The latest attempt to block the satellite occurred on March 20, 2010 according to the BBC and Voice of America.
In the meantime, the satellite operator has changed how some of its services are distributed. The channels affected thusfar are now transmitted via other satellites that can broadcast to the entire Gulf region, but without being reachable by uplinks from Iran.
Not all the channels on Hot Bird 8 have been affected by the electronic sabotage, however. The state broadcaster Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting also transmits its Press TV foreign service from Hot Bird 8. So far, it has not experienced any problems.
Spiegel intrnational 3/31/2010
Silencing Unwanted Coverage
Iran Jams Satellite Signals Carrying Foreign Media
By Christoph Seidler
VOA Exclusive: Clinton Cites Trend Toward Military Takeover in Iran
In her interview VoA's farsi TV-show, Mrs. Clinton said the USA is taking a variety of steps to circumvent what she termed the Tehran government’s “electronic curtain,” including by year’s end, the creation of an on-line “virtual embassy.”
“What we’re going to do, despite that fact we do not have diplomatic relations, is I’m going to announce the opening of a virtual embassy in Tehran. The website will be up and going at the end of the year [2011]. We’re going to continue to reach out particularly to students and encourage that you come back and study in the United States. And we’re going to look for other people-to-people exchanges,” Clinton said.
In an exclusive interview at the State Department with VoA's farsi TV-show "Parazit" host Kambiz Hosseini, Mrs. Clinton also said:
“The Quds force and other elements of the security establishment taking financial stakes or taking over certain economic enterprises –- that’s part of what I mean about our seeing that there seems to be a moving toward a more military takeover in effect in Iran.”
"Parazit," a satirical Farsi language program broadcast to Iran by VOA’s Persian News Network, has become the most widely watched international program in Iran, despite Iranian efforts to jam the broadcasts.
In her first ever interview with the Persian-language media, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has announced that the United States will soon launch a 'virtual Tehran embassy' aimed at connecting with the Iranian people. Clinton made the announcement on VoA's Persian TV and also in an interview with the BBC's Persian Service... Clinton also responded to questions submitted by the Iranian watchers of VOA's "Parazit" program and the BBC's Persian TV, submitted via YouTube, video, or e-mail. A number of questions focused on U.S. sanctions against the Islamic republic, which Washington and its allies have enacted in response to the country's abysmal human rights record and questionable nuclear program.
The BBC has suggested that a cyberattack against it on March 1, 2012, was part of Iranian efforts to disrupt the BBC's Persian Service… [T]he Internet attack coincided with efforts to jam two of the BBC Persian Service's satellite feeds into Iran…
The nongovernmental group Reporters Without Borders — which named Iran as an "enemy of the Internet" earlier this week — has complained about the Iran's so-called cyber army, created by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) in 2010.
Iranian authorities block broadcasts and otherwise target the operations of foreign broadcasters including BBC, DW, RFE/RL and VoA.
Tehran also has waged a long-running campaign against the use of satellite TV dishes, although such receivers remain hugely popular among Iranians.
Read more…
BBC Accuses Iran Of Cyberattack. RFE/RL, March 15, 2012; http://www.rferl.org/content/bbc_accuses_iran_cyberattack/24516143.html
Cyber-attack on BBC leads to suspicion of Iran's involvement. BBC, 14 March, 2012; http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-17365416
Iranian jamming of U.S. government-sponsored news and information programs disrupted broadcasts from Morocco to Eastern Europe to Indonesia, the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) has found.
International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB) Director Richard M Lobo called the most recent interference “an outrage (and) a deplorable violation of well-established international agreements” in a statement issued when the incident started (Oct 3, 2012).
The jamming coincided with reports of street demonstrations and mass arrests of Iranians protesting falling currency exchange rates. Both VOA and RFE/RL report that in some instances, interference starts just before newscasts, and ends just afterwards.
Three satellite transponders operated by Eutelsat and those most popular among Iranian viewers have been affected: HotBird 13B, Eutelsat 25A and Eutelsat 7A. Viewers said the signals reappear intermittently.
The interference has diminished or altogether blocked other U.S.-supported programs on the Eutelsat satellites, including Georgian, Armenian, Bosnian, Korean and many other language broadcasts.
Jamming is prohibited under rules of the International Telecommunications Union. The recent jamming affected not only U.S.-supported programming, but also the BBC.
One of the BBG’s Internet anti-censorship vendors is reporting that traffic from Iran using its software and servers has increased substantially since the jamming began. This suggests that Iranian listeners and viewers are shifting to the Internet to receive news and information.
IBB—BBG: Iranian Jamming Disrupts U.S. International Broadcasting Across Several Continents
OCTOBER 4, 2012; http://www.bbg.gov/press-release/iranian-jamming-disrupts-u-s-international-broadcasting-across-several-continents/
Iraan on 23. septembril 2012 seadnud lisatõkkeid veebivabadusele. Iraani valitsuse minister teatas, et Google'i otsingumootor ja e-posti teenus on nüüd blokeeritud... Elektroonilist vabadust on võimalik säilitada vaid sissivõtetega, mis aitavad veebikülgi külastada varjestustehnoloogia abil. Viimane võimaldab minna peaaegu kõikjale internetis. Üks tasuta BBG toetatud tarkvara on TOR Interneti sirvimise kaudu teistes riikides, püüdes samas varjata seda, kes mida vaatab. Teiseks on olemas Ultrasurf, mis saadab internetikasutajale erinevaid veebiaadresse juhuks, kui valitsus proovib sulgeda jälgitavaid saite. Kolmas on Psiphon, mis rakendab ajutisi interneti-aadresse, mis elada vaid paar päeva enne, kui need leitakse ja blokeeritakse repressiivsete režiimide poolt.
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